Why Crochet?
The Beginning Brim Of A Hat
Right after high school I moved in with my best friend and her mom. I always called her my adoptive mom since she always felt like it. One day she decided to show me the art of crochet. I had no idea what I was doing. No pattern to follow or a direction to take, just some simple stitches.
I was so determined to make something. So I decided a scarf would be easy. But I kept dropping stitches and couldn't keep the edges straight. It was frustrating, but also gave me focus of something to work on.
I kept going and eventually learned to make a scarf. And one for everyone in my family. Eventually I decided it was time to properly teach myself different stitches and how to read a pattern. It was difficult, but I loved it. Since I didn't have a person showing me, I did research to try to figure it all out myself.
I eventually moved on to blankets and mostly flat things, but could do quite a few stitches.
About the time I married my husband I decided to stretch my brain and learn to make things that weren't flat! And that’s how I started with hats. I love making hats, they can be easy or difficult depending on the pattern. I slowly started making more items and going to YouTube more and more to increase my learning.
In 2019 I spent Nov making items for everyone for Christmas. I loved having a goal of how many to make and the deadline I needed to have it done by. It made me realize that I wanted that more in my life. The calming affects of crocheting while watching TV at night after the kids are in bed, but also the reality of a goal and timeline.
That’s why I decided to start Hook & A Stitch. Come along with me on the journey!