My Family
I met my husband in 2009 as we both worked together. We were friends for a while, then eventually dated, fell in love and married in spring of 2013. We both knew that we wanted to have kids and were fortunate enough to get pregnant on our honeymoon. Big P was welcomed into our life in early 2014. We had so much love for that little one that we decided to have another and then came Little P in 2016. Not long after our little man decided to join us in June of 2018.
Big P is smart, stubborn and sassy (a true mini me). Little P is my wild child. That girl is not afraid of anything (except strangers). Then C is my clown who loves to laugh and make others laugh. Its so amazing to see how 3 kids can grow up to have such big personalities all of their own!
Having 3 kids in 5 years seemed like a lot! And looking back, it was! I think I put a lot of my life on hold for these amazing little ones. I wanted to make sure that they had everything that they needed and that included all of my time. But after C was done with nursing I wanted to get back into more of the things that I enjoyed. I wanted to make sure that my cup was filled so that I was giving them the best of me. I started having more time away from the house- girls weekends, pedis by myself, or even solo trips to the coffee shop.
This is also when I decided to pursue my passion of crochet and share my love and gift of this amazing craft to the world. I want my children to see that you can do anything you put your mind to. Just set a goal and figure out how to get there. Working hard is how you achieve your goals and dreams. I want my daughters to see that a woman can be her own boss and set her own destiny. As well as my son to see that I have a husband that is encouraging and supportive.
My goals have been set and the plans are still formulating on how to get there. But my husband and kids will be along for the ride- seeing both successes and missteps along the way. As this is what life is all about.
Easter Morning 2020