Holiday Traditions
I love the holidays. It is definitely my favorite time of year. It always has been, ever since I can remember. Since having kids- it’s just been amplified! I love that everyone is in a good mood. People just seem to be more jolly. There is just so much cheer and it’s so contagious!
We have so many traditions that we do every year. Below are just a few that my family really enjoys.
We cut down our own tree. I’ve always had live Christmas trees since I can remember, and there is just something that I love about going out and picking your own. Growing up I remember going out in the field and picking the perfect one for Grandpa to chop down. Once I moved out of the house he still continued to come with me to get one. Once I was seriously dating my husband that became his responsibility.
It’s just so fun to get all bundled up, run around a tree farm trying to find the perfect one, then warming up with hot chocolate and cider. Then the fun of decorating it at home.
Christmas Tree 2020
Gingerbread houses are also a great tradition. We do one every year. We just did ours this week as a fabulous friend delivered all the stuff to make them.
2 of our amazing gingerbread houses
Driving around looking at light has always been a highlight of mine as well. We have one retirement community that almost every house has lights on it. That is always a must do during Christmas week.
Christmas music is a MUST in our house. My kids are now requesting it daily. I love that I can turn on Spotify and just pick a fun Christmas playlist. The kids love finding songs that they know the words to.
Christmas eve is also a great time to do some family traditions. The one that my kids look forward to the most is that they get to open one present on Christmas eve. This present is always new pajamas. They get to put on the new jammies and then we watch a children’s Christmas movie while eating popcorn. The last few years they have been matching jammies and I can’t wait for them to see the ones this year!
Christmas tree at night
Christmas morning is all about if Santa came. The kids are able to open their stockings when they wake up. These are always fun little toys and of course some chocolate. Once mom and dad get their coffee, then we can start with presents. We try not to go too overboard on presents- but I’m really hard at that. Gift giving is my love language! They get one present from santa, clothes, books, and 2-3 toys. Once everything is opened, we then send some video messages to grandparents who sent presents and aren’t there to see them opened. Next dad will make breakfast- usually pancakes while the kids play with toys and read all their new books. Followed by a nice Christmas dinner. We usually just do Christmas day with just us and the kids love that they get to say in their jammies all day.
Stockings and our Christmas village
Those are just some of our favorite traditions, what are yours?