School and Crochet
We are at the end of September and it has been a crazy month! I had my first big sale on the first day of fall. Thank you to all of my great customers who participated! Make sure you sign up for emails to get a heads up for the next one. I only offer a couple of sales a year and you don’t want to miss them!
My oldest also start “back to school.” I use that term loosely as she is doing it remote and it’s just not quite the same as actually going into the school building. She is in 1st grade, so they are doing a soft start where they have pre-printed us a calendar of items for her to do every day.
She has 3 activities she has to do every day as well as reading They are all fun activities and she has been doing great. It is hard when you don’t have other kids your age doing the same things. Also hard when your younger siblings are off playing something fun that you also want to be doing.
My 2 girls at their desk for the start of the school year.
It’s been nice to have this soft start this month. It’s taking us a bit to slowly start earlier in the day. It’s hard when you don’t have any thing you have to leave the house for. It’s also nice for everyone to get into a rhythm for the day. My husband and I are still working from home and now we have the added task of making sure she does her school work.
I’m interested to see how next month will go as she starts a more structured schedule with exact zoom times and daily tasks. It will give us some more one on one time with my younger two while she is in her zoom meetings. And the ability to plan their learning activities for these times.
We have come to realize with a 6 year old that they don’t learn as well in a lecture or typical classroom type setting. They are still young enough that a lot of their learning comes from playing. So I try hard to incorporate learning into the things we do daily. One of the things that I have been trying out is getting her more involved when I do my crocheting.
My kids all love to watch when I start making a new items. They try guessing what I’m making when I start the first few rows. Since she is already interested in what I’m doing, I thought I would try adding some math into it.
I’ve been making quite a few hats lately. See pic below. These hats can be made in adult, child, or baby sizes. When you make them in different sizes the brims are all in different sizes. So I always ask my 6 year old how many more rows do I need to get to the end? Or perhaps I ask what is the difference in rows between the baby hat and the child size hat?
I also like to ask her to help with inventory. Can you please count how many of the purple hats that I have? She loves this part. She likes sorting them by color and size and then giving me the numbers. She also loves the poms on the hats. She would prefer that EVERY hat have one. But she likes that it’s one more thing to sort them by. Do you prefer your hat with or without a pom?
While it’s not rocket science, it’s still a way to keep my kids involved in my passion while also helping them learn and grow. Do you have any other suggestions for how to keep your kids engaged in your every day life?
My two younger kids- who are 4 and 2. Also like to help with the sorting and the counting. While I give them simpler numbers or tasks, they can still get involved. Crochet has been great for learning math!
My kids are also excited because I told them at the beginning that they were able to pick out of the hats for them to keep. But they needed to wait until they were all done to see which color they like the best. I’m interested to see which one they pick!
Which color is your favorite?